My Morning Ritual

One of my favorite times of the day is early morning. With this spring season the birds also awaken earlier and fill the air with their morning songs. No alarm clock needed; their notes are enough.

I have a morning ritual that always helps me set a positive and energized tone for the day. With my first cup of delicious coffee, I begin with some spiritual reading; something that connects me with a universal power that guides me to a happier life. Authors who have been at my side this year include Borysenko, Williamson, Tolle, Dyer, Hicks, Richardson, Breathnach and Salzburg. Through the years I have enjoyed many others and look forward to discovering more.

In reading, I can be embraced by an entire chapter or two, a thought for the day or a single quote. Whatever touches my heart and gives me that loving spark for my day is what I am drawn to read.

Along with reading I write in my journal. I write quotes from what I am reading and how it relates to my life. I continue to have eye-opening moments prompted by my morning reading. Closing my eyes, concentrating on my breath, I will do a short meditation to allow that lesson to really sink into my body.

My morning continues with my yoga and stretching routine. Through years of sometimes inconsistent yoga and Pilates practice I have developed a routine that works for me and my achy hips. I end with relaxing meditation.

What I love about my routine, no matter how much time I spend with it, is that it wakes me up, it connects me with something greater than myself, it gives me a life lesson for the day, and it puts a smile on my face. All I know is that my days are more fulfilling and energized when I include my morning ritual versus when I do not.

Find something that works for you to help you seize the day.

